"Name:","Indic","Dose:","SE:","Caut:","CI:","Inter:","MOA:","Pharm:","BNF:","Notes:" "D R U G","A Psion Database File containing details of all the drugs in the British National Formulary.","","A useful clinical therapeutic reference leading to better understanding of currently available drugs and hopefully leading to better prescribing habits.","The British Medical Association & The Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain (who jointly publish the BNF) are aware of the existence of this database and in fact have banned it from publication for copyright reasons. I dispute that I have infringed their copyright, but lack the time and resources to argue the case. Nevertheless, for clarity, I would like to add the following :- That this database is in no way affiliated to or officially endorsed by the BNF publishers. It is my own personal rendition of those drugs which are currently available on the UK market. . This file is freely distributable on a person to person basis. However, it must not be re-published in any way or form (eg. a website / disc / public domain), without my express permission. I retain the copyright.","You may not redistribute this file in an altered form. The only way this file should be distributed is in its original unaltered form.","","","","This is not intended as a replacement for the BNF. It is more an abbreviated reference to the uses and potential abuses of every drug which happens to be in the BNF. Doses of drugs are mentioned frequently, but these should only be used as a guide. For detailed instructions on the formulation and doses required in different medical conditions please refer to the BNF itself or the manufacturers data sheet.","Whilst I believe the information in this database to be true and accurate, I cannot be held responsible for untoward acts or ommisions relating to the use of this file. Also, whilst I will in the future endeavour to keep the information in this file up to date, I cannot guarantee that it will always be so. Finally, this file contains 'pretty much' everything in the BNF, but not 'absolutely' everything in the BNF. Side effects, Cautions & Contra- indications usually apply to the key drug of its class, and so other drugs in the same class will not necessarily have all the appropriate differences listed. Also, unusual or rarely used drugs may not have all their interactions listed. **** If there are any doubts, check the 'real' BNF **** . Updates are available from my website. If you do use this database, please 'register' for it on-line. If you register, you will automatically be informed of updates. If you find any mistakes, or just simply want to talk, then contact me by email. I hope you all find it useful. . See also entry 'Abbreviations' for further explanations. . © Dr. Jason Wolfe (The author) . email - jwolfe@clara.net www - http://www.jwolfe.clara.net . Restricted Version - This has had most of the 'Side Effects', 'Cautions', 'Contra-Indications', & 'Interactions' removed. The full version containing these fields exists for my own personal use but has been withdrawn from publication for copyright reasons. . (Work first started on database - February 1996) (Database First Completed - 18th August 1998) (Up to Date for BNF No. 46 - September 2003) (Version 46ar - Last Updated 8th December 2003)" " Abbreviations used in this database :-","","","","","","","","","","~ = The drug in question Indic = Indication SE = Side Effect Caut = Caution CI = Contraindication Inter = Interaction MOA = Mode of Action Pharm = Pharmacokinetics & Pharmacodynamics BNF = British National Formulary Dis = Disease Disturbs = Disturbances Imp = Impairment Inf / Infec = Infection Occ = Occasionally Hx = History Sx = Symptoms Sgx = Signs Rx = Treatment Mx = Management Prx = Prophylaxis Prgx = Prognosis Freq = Frequent Ppte = Precipitate Req = Required DD = Divided dose WD = Withdraw Admin = Administration Preps = Preparations Mod = Moderate Sev = Severe od = Omni Die / Once Daily bd = Bis Die / Twice a day (UK) bid = Bis In Die / Twice a day (US) tds = Ter Die Sumendus / Three times a day (UK) tid = Ter In Die / Three times a day (US) qds = Quater Die Sumendus / Four times a day qid = Quater In Die / Four times a day (US) 5ds = Five times a day 6ds = Six times a day qqh = Quarta Quaque Hora / Every 4 hours prn = Pro Re Nata / When required om = Omni Mane / In the morning on = Omni Nocte / At night mane = In the morning nocte = At night a.c. = Ante Cibum / Before food p.c. = Post Cibum / After food Stat = Statim / Immediately i/m = Intramuscular i/v = Intravenous s/c = Subcutaneous s/l = Sublingual po = Per Os / Orally pr = Per Rectum pv = Per Vaginum in = Intranasal Tab = Tablet c = with assoc c = Associated with Pts = Patients HT = Hypertension BP = Blood Pressure Wt = Weight PMH = Past Medical History DH = Drug History SH = Social History FH = Family History Exam = Examination ENT = Ear, Nose & Throat ULN = Upper Limit of Normal N&V = Nausea & Vomiting D&C = Diarrhoea & Constipation CSM = Committee on Safety of Medicines NICE = National Institute for Clinical Excellence T1/2 = Half Life ---> = Causing / Leading to ... (-) (---) = Small - Large Inhibitory / Negative effect (+) (+++) = Small - Large Positive / Potentiating effect x < y < z = x - Low dose. y - Average dose. z - Max dose. Card & Resp = Cardiac & Respiratory Hep & Renal = Hepatic & Renal Musc-Skel = Musculoskeletal Preg & Breast = Pregnancy & Breast Feeding"