Humour - Sex & Obscene
25 Reasons Why Chocolate Is Better Than Sex
1. | You can GET chocolate. |
2. | "If you love me, you'll swallow that" has real meaning with chocolate. |
3. | Chocolate satisfies even when it has gone soft. |
4. | You can safely have chocolate when driving. |
5. | You can make chocolate last as long as you want it to. |
6. | You can have chocolate even in front at your mother. |
7. | It you bite the nuts too hard the chocolate won't mind. |
8. | Two people of the same sex can have chocolate without being called nasty names. |
9. | The word commitment doesn't scare off chocolate. |
10. | You can have chocolate on top of your desk during working hours without upsetting your workmates. |
11. | You can ask a stranger for chocolate without getting your face slapped. |
12. | You don't get hairs in your mouth with chocolate. |
13. | Chocolate doesn't make you pregnant. |
14. | You can have chocolate at any time of the month. |
15. | With chocolate theres no need to fake it. |
16. | Good chocolate is easy to find. |
17. | You can have as many kinds of chocolate as you can handle. |
18. | You are never too old or too young for chocolate. |
19. | When you have chocolate, it doesn't keep the neighbours awake. |
20. | With chocolate, size doesn't matter. Its always good. |
21. | You don't have to BEG to get chocolate. |
22. | You can have chocolate with children and not go to jail. |
23. | Chocolate doesn't keep you awake yapping after you've had it. |
24. | You can have chocolate all weekend and still walk OK on Monday morning. |
25. | It's easy to find 9 inches of chocolate. |
The Poo Guide
1. | The Ghost Poo | The kind of poo where you feel it come out and you know you've done it, but when you wipe, there is nothing on the paper and there is no poo in the toilet. Where did it go? |
2. | The Clean Poo | The sort of poo which is so smooth and streamlined that it virtually falls out of your bottom. You can see poo in the toilet but there is nothing on the toilet paper. |
3. | The Hot Tar Poo | The kind of poo where even after 50 wipes you are still getting staining on the paper so you have to put some bog roll between your bum cheeks and in your underwear to prevent skid marks. |
4. | The Second Thought Poo | Just as you think you've finished your poo and have painstakingly wiped yourself clean and pulled your keks to the knee, you realise there is still some more poo to come out. |
5. | The Lincoln Log Poo | The kind of poo that is so huge you're afraid that it will not flush down the toilet unless you break it up into little pieces with a stick. This poo only happens when you are at somebody else's house. |
6. | The Sweetcorn Poo | Self explanatory. |
7. | The "I Wish I Could Poo" Poo | You really feel as if you need to poo but every time you try, all you manage is a couple of farts. |
8. | The Side Birth or The Boo-Hoo Poo | This poo hurts so much that you swear it is coming out sideways - your eyes water and you will probably need stitches. |
9. | The Fishermans Bobber or Floating Poo |
You do your poo and flush two times but there are still several golf-ball size pieces floating above the water line. |
10. | The Sultana Poo | This type of poo is really frustrating. You get yourself prepared for a "Side-Birth, and spend about half an hour sweating it out on the bog, but all you manage in the end is a small plop resembling a sultana. |